CBM Christian Blind Mission
Since the earthquakes in 2015, CBM has been working to provide humanitarian assistance to people with disabilities and injuries in some of the worst hit areas, and to ensure that people with disabilities are involved in “building back better” after the disaster
Resources by CBM Christian Blind Mission
The Prospects and Situation of Accessibility in Nepal
NFDN has published this collection of articles on “Accessibility” with the support of architects/engineers, academicians (University professors), disaster actors, accessibility promoters and disability rights activists.
Checklist for Accessibility Audit
The checklist has been prepared through the several formal/informal consultation meetings with various stakeholders such as KMC, DPOs alliance, resource pool (a group of technical persons), CBM, NCO and others. The checklist can widely be used by different stakeholders and individuals in their own.
The Emergence of Accessible Tourism in Nepal Prospects and Problems
This research brief on ‘The Emergence of Accessible Tourism in Nepal Prospects and Problems’ provides an overview on prospects and the existing situation of accessible tourism in Nepal.
MHPS Consideration During COVID-19
This manual describes how to look after your mental well-being. It also contains some helpful advice for patients, physicians, and kids.
COVID-19 Prevention Tips
This documents shows the prevention tips to protect yourself and others around in pandemic
पहुँचयुक्त भौतिक वातावरणका लागी र्याम्प
पहुँचयुक्त भौतिक वातावरणका लागी र्याम्पमा सबै प्रकारका प्रयोगकर्ताहरुको क्षमतालाई सम्बोधन हुनेगरी पहुँचयुक्त र्याम्प बनाउने उपायहरू प्रदान गरिएको छ ।
Report on Accessibility Audit on Kathmandu Nepal
Report on Accessibility Audit on Kathmandu Nepal is an overview on the status of implementation of “Accessible Physical Infrastructure and communication Services Directive for persons with disabilities 2013” and other national and international commitments Nepal has made at the ground level
The Web Accessibility Guide: Promoting Web for All
The web accessibility guide – Promoting web for all is a publication that is prepared by NFDN to support web professionals (designers/developers) to create websites that are accessible and usable for all users including people with disabilities.
पहुँचयुक्ततासंग सम्बन्धित विभिन्न निर्देशिका, मापदण्ड र कार्यविधि तथा अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय अभ्यासको समिक्षात्मक अध्ययन प्रतिवेदन
महिला बालबालिका तथा जेष्ठ नागरिक मन्त्रालयद्धारा तयार गरिएको र तत्कालिन मन्त्रिपरिषदद्धारा २०६९ साल फागुन ६ गते स्वीकृत गरि लागु गरिएको ‘अपाङ्गता भएका ब्यक्तिका लागि पहुँचयुक्त भौतिक संरचना तथा सञ्चार सेवा निर्देशिका’ मा समेटिएका विषयबस्तुको समिक्षा गरि राष्ट्रिय—अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय अभ्यास अनुरुप यसलाई थप परिमार्जन गर्न नेपाल सरकारको ध्यानाकर्षण गराउने उद्देश्यले यो संक्षिप्त प्रतिवेदन तयार पारिएको छ ।
Report on Accessibility Audit in Kathmandu
This report served as a guide for conducting an accessibility audit of 150 public facilities and comprising public buildings, streets, parks, corporate and commercial sectors, and other areas inside Kathmandu Valley, and determined what corrective measures are required to make these sectors accessible.
Symptoms of Mental and Psychosocial Health
This document shows the sign and symptoms of mental health and psychosocial health.
Helping Children Cope with Stress in COVID-19
This article covers techniques that parents might employ to help a child deal with stress and describes how youngsters deal with stress. Some of the protective variables and strategies adults can use to help children build resilience are covered in this document.
Social Stigma Associated with COVID-19
This article demonstrates how COVID 19 users can address societal stigma. Some advice on how to deal with and prevent social stigma is also included in this article.
Coping with Stress on COVID 19 Pandemic
People can use the practical techniques in this document to assist them deal with stress on COVID-19. In order to lessen the stress brought on by the COVID-19 epidemic, it also helps to emphasize numerous evidence-based self-care and coping techniques.