National Federation of Deaf Nepal
The National Federation of the Deaf Nepal has been working since 1996 to lead the campaign for the rights of deaf people in Nepal. Education, health and employment of deaf people are the priority. The Federation of the Deaf has been advocating for the recognition, development and dissemination of Nepali Sign Language as the first language of the deaf person as well as the formation of local deaf associations and their capacity building, leadership and awareness, interpreter service to the deaf.
Resources by National Federation of Deaf Nepal
Mero Sikai : Mobile App
“Mero Sikai” is a Nepali Sign Language and other accessibility Mobile Application, developed within the Reading for All Program with the objective of supporting to improve the reading skill of the students with and without disabilities. This app comprises the reading skill improvement contents such as; reading/learning materials; letters, words, sentences, stories, and interactions, and the related exercises along with pictures and Nepali sign language videos.
Mero Sanket: Mobile Application
“Mero Sanket” is the first mobile app designed to accommodate the needs of deaf children learning Nepali Sign Language (NSL). Through the app, deaf children can learn NSL, enhancing their linguistic skills development, inside and outside the classroom.
Monitoring the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in Nepal
This holistic monitoring project aims at monitoring the human rights situation
of people with disabilities in Nepal. It scrutinize an evidence based information
on implementation status of laws and policies within the country that protect and
promote the human rights of persons with disabilities in conjunction with personal
experiences, societal attitude with the information published in media outlets.
10 days Braille Teachers Guide
The teacher manuals provide clear instructions on how to conduct the 10-day capacity-building programs for visually impaired students. This manual covers topics such as inclusive education and disability, braille and pre-braille activities, devanagari braille writing, unified English braille, education materials, the Nemeth braille code, and many more.
5 days Early Grade Reading Nepali sign Language Teachers Guide
This teacher's guide manual provides clear guidance on how to conduct five days of capacity building training for primary students who are deaf or hard of hearing. This manual includes lesson plans that help teachers conduct interactive training for the students.