USAID is the world's premier international development agency and a catalytic actor driving development results. USAID's work advances U.S. national security and economic prosperity, demonstrates American generosity, and promotes a path to recipient self-reliance and resilience.
Resources by USAID
School Assessment Technical Committee Teacher Guide
This three-day capacity-building program is clearly explained in the teacher guide manuals. This training resource booklet provides the technical assistance needed by the school to identify children's functional limitations at the school level.
School Assessment Technical Committee Teachers Resource Material
The purpose of this resource material is to assist teachers in leading a three-day capacity-building workshop. In order to expedite the referral process to the school and parents for a second-level medical assessment when needed, this training resource manual offers technical support to the school for the early detection of children's functional limits at the school level. Inclusionary education, early screening, the Student Assessment Technical Committee (SATC), individualized education plans (IEP), and many other topics are included in this publication.
10 days Braille Teachers Guide
The teacher manuals provide clear instructions on how to conduct the 10-day capacity-building programs for visually impaired students. This manual covers topics such as inclusive education and disability, braille and pre-braille activities, devanagari braille writing, unified English braille, education materials, the Nemeth braille code, and many more.
5 days Early Grade Reading Braille Teachers Guide
This Teacher guide manuals provide clear guidance on how to prepare 5 days capacity building training for visually impaired students which includes lessons plans that are simple enough for teachers to apply then into their class.
5 days Early Grade Reading Nepali sign Language Teachers Guide
This teacher's guide manual provides clear guidance on how to conduct five days of capacity building training for primary students who are deaf or hard of hearing. This manual includes lesson plans that help teachers conduct interactive training for the students.