School Assessment Technical Committee Teachers Resource Material
Resource Summary
Contributor(s): Handicap International, Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, USAID, World Education
Type: Resources Material for Training
Categories: Education, Training
Language: Nepali
Keyword(s): disability, early screening, education plan, individualized education plan, student assessment, technical committee, technical study, use of technology
Published Year: 2021
Format: Documents
The purpose of this resource material is to assist teachers in leading a three-day capacity-building workshop. In order to expedite the referral process to the school and parents for a second-level medical assessment when needed, this training resource manual offers technical support to the school for the early detection of children's functional limits at the school level. Inclusionary education, early screening, the Student Assessment Technical Committee (SATC), individualized education plans (IEP), and many other topics are included in this publication.